Coloured belts

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There are 9 belt colours in the tai chi syllabus:

  1. White

  2. Yellow

  3. Orange

  4. Green

  5. Blue

  6. Purple

  7. Brown

  8. Black

  9. Red


You wear the colour you have earned, not the colour you are working on e.g. a student who is wearing their blue belt is now working to pass their purple belt.


Belts 1-10 are all beginner's belts. There are 8 black belts to pass and 2 red.

Play nice

In order to complete the lower grades you must prove that you can 'play nice'. You are taught new skills when you have proven that you can handle them responsibly.
Trust must be earned, respect must be shown and consideration must be demonstrated. This is a safeguard for all school members. We don't tolerate bullies or egotists...

Martial expectations

A student of judo may train 2-3 times a week in class. How many tai chi people are prepared to do the same?  Every martial art requires dedication and commitment.
There are no shortcuts or exceptions. If you expect to use a martial art, be prepared to put in the time and effort. You want the fighting skills? Do the work.

Further reading

Black belt

Black T-shirt
Kung fu suit

school database

Page created 18 April 1995
Last updated 05 December 2023